Proper waste recycling in Hannover
Good waste separation is the first essential step towards high-quality recycling of as much packaging waste as possible. Properly separated waste is environmentally friendly, saves costs and conserves resources. Take part.
Waste separation – knowing how.
Below you can see an overview of the optimal waste separation in Hannover and the region. Plastic Waste: Every second Tuesday, yellow bags with plastic waste are collected in freely formed collection points on the street. Paper Waste: Every Tuesday morning waste paper is collected by the municipal waste management. Yellow bags are available free of charge at the checkout in many supermarkets and drugstores. Please speak to the staff in these stores for further information. Glass can be disposed of for recycling in the large containers located in the parking lot behind the Markhalle, see illustration below right.
If you have any questions about waste separation and recycling, please contact us. We will be happy to take the time to show and explain everything to you on site when you move in.